Contact Bry Cox

Contact Information for Bry Cox


Have you been watching my online courses and have a question? Perhaps you read one of my articles and disagree or need more info. I love to get your questions. Send me yours and I’ll try and answer them in my weekly Q&A videos (also viewable on YouTube.)


If you’ve had some recent success with the things that I teach, let me know. I love getting testimonials and find it fulfilling that what I share is helping you.


If you have any problem with the site or the store, let me know quickly. Or if there’s a series or course that you’d like to see on the site, let me know. We’re always working on more content and know what you want helps.

One-On-One Coaching

Sometimes the best way to learn is one-on-one, and I can help you personally. We can meet by phone, Zoom meeting, or here in person at my studio if you are close enough to travel. Contact me about rates.

Speaking Availability

If you’d like me to come speak at your photography event or convention, let’s talk. Depending on your group’s budget and number of people in attendance, we can sometimes work out sponsorships and I can also help you in your promotion. Plus I have a number of programs ready to go for all sorts of skill levels.


Email me directly at