More events in the planning stages. They’ll be posted once confirmed.
Read what other photographers have said about attending my live events.
What I Teach
I teach with “Show and Tell” because it takes you from mystery to reality! In the end – You know EXACTLY what to do.
Together, we go step-by-step through various camera and lighting set-ups that show you how to create a perfect match of lighting, color, and exposure for any situation from daylight to sunset on into twilight and total darkness! When you have everything set for perfection, you get perfection!
Even with great images right out of the camera, there is still work to be done and I’ll show you the fastest ways to use the newest versions of Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop so that you can be creative and custom in your work, while also getting it done in record time. Whether you’re new to the software or a seasoned professional, you’ll be amazed at how much you’ll learn and how fast and productive you’ll be.
All attendees to one of my week-long workshops will also get a 2-week pass to, giving you complete access to all my tutorial videos and articles so you can look up anything you may want to review once you are home.