If you want higher sales as a portrait photographer, you have to be priced correctly and offer a higher level of service. Often this business model is referred to as the Boutique Studio.
I believe in personally serving your client, meeting one-on-one and helping them with their needs. There is never any high-pressure sales or tactics used.
Before we get to our sales appointment, we need awesome and irresistible images, and a clean and artistic workflow. At that point we’re ready to meet with our client in person to show them what we’ve produced. That’s what these next courses are here to teach you and help you with.
I recommend going through these courses in this order.
1. Psychology of Pricing for High-End Portrait Photographers (~2 hours of instruction)
This course is for professional photographers who want to produce higher end work and want to get paid appropriately for it. Because proper pricing is foundational to better sales, this course on the Psychology of Pricing is a great place to start in my business courses. It’s nearly 2 hours of great content to help you understand how to price your work higher to better appeal to your clients on a psychological and subconscious level.
2. Psychology of Sales for the High-End Portrait Photographer (Over 6 hours of instruction)
Here are all 48 chapters of sales training. There’s never been a time when this information has been needed more. The most instruction on any subject that I’ve ever recorded. Delve in and learn what to say to separate yourself from others and get high-end sales. Learn to overcome objections like price without being a jerk or without using scripts or tacky “sales tactics.”
3. The Sky Fell – Part 1
A rainy day did not stop this shoot. But there were some sales hangups that we can all learn from.
4. The Sky Fell – Part 2
There were obstacles in the photo shoot, but the final obstacle was selling this as best size to see all these cute faces, a 7-foot by 4-foot framed canvas. And that’s also despite the client put off solidifying their order.
5. Pricing Digital and 5 Reasons Why Digital Costs More
I am constantly asked how to price digital images. Even if you’re a photographer that sells finished prints, there is a need to know how to price digital images. For instance when a band needs an image for their new album cover, a real-estate agent needs a photograph for his/her website and business cards, or a business needs a digital file for their online presence.
Even though it is better to sell and provide a finished product whenever possible, sometimes there is a need to sell a digital file, which means there is a need for knowing how to price these images.
6. Setting Up a Sales Room
One of the first big keys to good portrait sales is setting up the right sales environment. Here’s how to set up the right sales room.
7. Business Slow? 4 Things That Will Help
There are certain times of the year depending on where you live, when business tends to be slow for most photographers. However no matter when you are slow, waiting for busier times can be detrimental and depressing. Here are four things that you can do right now to make business go better and to help your mind think more clearly and more optimistically.
8. Additional Articles and Videos You May Like
Bry Cox on podcast, “This Conversation by Jed Taufer” talking about the Psychology of Pricing and Sales.
Bry Cox Article in ‘The Photographer’ Magazine – Psychology of Portrait Pricing
Bry Cox Interviewed in ‘Professional Photographers Magazine’
Bry Cox Talks Sales on the Podcast, ‘PhotoTellers’
Bry Cox Featured on SPTV Talking 80/20
Pricing, Time, & 80/20